
My Investment

Thursday, December 20, 2012


How to make money on the internet

It’s the age old question that people have been asking from the day the internet became viral, “How can I make money with the internet?”

Well the internet is 100 times as popular as it was a year ago, and with so many people, there must be a way to make so some money, well there is, and today I am going to share with you my secrets that I have used to make money on the internet;

Using one site and one site alone!

Neobux is the name, and making money is no game.
As you can see, Neobux has paid out over $36,000,000!!!


I will be showing you how to make money using a site called Neobux.  I am going to separate this guide into sections:

Section 1: How to get started.
Section 2: How to get your first referrals.
Section 3: How to make money with your referrals.
Section 4: How to get direct referrals.
Section 5: How to start making real $$

Section 1: How to get started

First off all, go to this link NEOBUX, to get to the home page, at the top, Log  in, and Register, click register. It will ask you for some basic information about yourself; fill all of that in, and move on to the next step.

Section 2: How to get your first referrals.

This can seem like a very daunting and hard task, getting hundreds of referrals that will click every day, and make you money. Getting referrals may be hard on other sites, but if getting referrals is not your thing, then you will be pleased to know that Neobux will rent you referrals for a very reasonable price. At the price that Neobux rents you referrals ($.22 per 30 days), you are almost 100% guaranteed to make money using this method. Using the rent referrals method instead of focusing on direct referrals is the key to making money.

Note: At the time of this publication, I have 0, let me say that again, 0 direct referrals, all of the money I have ever made from Neobux comes from rented referrals.

Section 3: How to make money with your referrals.

The way you make money from your referrals (Be those referrals rented, or direct) is by having them click ads by using the view advertisements section of the site. For every ad they view, they get $.01 (This is there incentive) and for every ad they view, you get $.005 (don’t look at is a ½ of 1 cent; look at it as ½ of 1 cent for every ad that every referral looks at).

Let me do a little math for you, so that you don’t have to.

My 1st month on Neobux I had over 200 rented referrals, they were clicking an average of 2 times a day (This is the overall average of all of my refs including the ones that didn’t click at all). That is 400 clicks every day (On average). I chose to take the higher road and buy golden (I will talk about this latter) which made me earn $.01 per referral click, meaning that I would get, on average, $4.00 every day. As a normal member you would be getting, on average, $2.00 a day. BUT (you knew that there had to be a catch in here somewhere didn’t you?) , you also have to click 4 ads a day to get paid for your referrals’ clicks. If you stop logging on to the site and clicking 4 times a day yourself, you stop getting your $2.00 a day, but this is not a problem if you are ok with making $2.00 a day for 5 minutes of your time each day. 99% of the people reading this guide are on the internet more than 1 hour a day, why not put 5 minutes of the time spent aimlessly browsing the web, or on your Face book page, on Neobux. That is all it takes, 5 minutes a day.

Section 4: How to get referrals.

This is not the path I have chosen, but for some, direct referrals require no initial investment, and that is, “Better”.
The way to get a lot of direct referrals, or hereafter called “refs.”, is to post your ref. link, which can be found by clicking the banner button on the left side of the Neobux page, in places where people will see it. For this, you will need to post your ref. link on popular Youtube videos, post it on Facebook pages, post on MySpace pages, make your own Neobux fan pages, and make a Youtube video tut with your ref. link in the description. You get $.005 (Half a penny) every time a referral clicks on an ad, so you want refs, and you want a lot of them. Direct referrals are shown to stay more active than rented referrals, which mean if you can get 200 direct referrals, then you will be getting more than $2.00 a day, at no cost to you, and about 5 minutes of work a day. (That’s $24.00 / hour) (Or if you are golden like me, $48.00 / hour) That is better pay than working at a day job.

Note: if you belong to a forum, then make sure to place your ref. link, or if your site allows, a ref. banner, in your signature. This will get you refs. without you doing any work. (I get about 5¬10 refs. a day with this)

Section 5: How to start making real $$

This is section 5, the final section, and the most important to the person that really wants to make some money with this site, not just a few dollars. This section is long, explains how I make so much money on this site, and also explains how you can too, you will need to take time to read everything in this section, but I can assure you, if you do read this whole section, and follow what I tell you to do, you too, can be making money in no time. This does take time, so if you want absolutely free money with virtually no work what¬so¬ever, then please go reread sections 1¬4 and follow what I have taught there. If you are willing to put in a little work to make a lot of money, then read on. This section is more of an elaboration of the other 4 sections, rather than new content. 1st, you need refs. This is the only; let me repeat ONLY way that you will ever make any kind of serious money using Neobux. Now then, you have probably used sites similar to this before, where you need to get a set amount of refs.

Golden Membership (Is it really worth it?) YES! I cannot stress enough how “worth it” having a Golden membership is. A one year golden membership is $90.00 (Not a very attractive price tag is it) But if you have more than 300 referrals, then there is close to a 0% chance that you will not get your money back (Once I got golden I made 10% of my money back in 14 days, meaning that the golden membership paid for itself in less than 5 months, and the other 7 months was free) Having a Golden membership makes you get paid twice as much for each referral’s clicks. $.01 for each click instead of $.005. There are also a few other perks of Golden that are explained on the site’s FAQ.

Renting Refs. (Is it really worth it??) Is it worth it, yes, it is, you will almost always get your money out of rented refs. (I get my money out of rented refs. after 20 days, the money they make for the next 10 is pure profit.)

Buying referrals from other sites (Is it really worth it???) Well, if you could buy referrals from other site and not be breaking the Terms and Conditions set by Neobux, then yes, it would be worth it, and I would do it too, but, as Neobux’s TAC clearly states, you can’t use other sites to try to buy referrals. So, NO! Getting your account banned is not worth getting more refs. Very counterproductive if you ask me, getting refs for a site that you will get banned from.

 Read This also .. Mistake On Neobux


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