
My Investment

Showing posts with label NEOBUX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NEOBUX. Show all posts

Thursday, December 20, 2012


How to make money on the internet

It’s the age old question that people have been asking from the day the internet became viral, “How can I make money with the internet?”

Well the internet is 100 times as popular as it was a year ago, and with so many people, there must be a way to make so some money, well there is, and today I am going to share with you my secrets that I have used to make money on the internet;

Using one site and one site alone!

Neobux is the name, and making money is no game.
As you can see, Neobux has paid out over $36,000,000!!!


I will be showing you how to make money using a site called Neobux.  I am going to separate this guide into sections:

Section 1: How to get started.
Section 2: How to get your first referrals.
Section 3: How to make money with your referrals.
Section 4: How to get direct referrals.
Section 5: How to start making real $$

Section 1: How to get started

First off all, go to this link NEOBUX, to get to the home page, at the top, Log  in, and Register, click register. It will ask you for some basic information about yourself; fill all of that in, and move on to the next step.

Section 2: How to get your first referrals.

This can seem like a very daunting and hard task, getting hundreds of referrals that will click every day, and make you money. Getting referrals may be hard on other sites, but if getting referrals is not your thing, then you will be pleased to know that Neobux will rent you referrals for a very reasonable price. At the price that Neobux rents you referrals ($.22 per 30 days), you are almost 100% guaranteed to make money using this method. Using the rent referrals method instead of focusing on direct referrals is the key to making money.

Note: At the time of this publication, I have 0, let me say that again, 0 direct referrals, all of the money I have ever made from Neobux comes from rented referrals.

Section 3: How to make money with your referrals.

The way you make money from your referrals (Be those referrals rented, or direct) is by having them click ads by using the view advertisements section of the site. For every ad they view, they get $.01 (This is there incentive) and for every ad they view, you get $.005 (don’t look at is a ½ of 1 cent; look at it as ½ of 1 cent for every ad that every referral looks at).

Let me do a little math for you, so that you don’t have to.

My 1st month on Neobux I had over 200 rented referrals, they were clicking an average of 2 times a day (This is the overall average of all of my refs including the ones that didn’t click at all). That is 400 clicks every day (On average). I chose to take the higher road and buy golden (I will talk about this latter) which made me earn $.01 per referral click, meaning that I would get, on average, $4.00 every day. As a normal member you would be getting, on average, $2.00 a day. BUT (you knew that there had to be a catch in here somewhere didn’t you?) , you also have to click 4 ads a day to get paid for your referrals’ clicks. If you stop logging on to the site and clicking 4 times a day yourself, you stop getting your $2.00 a day, but this is not a problem if you are ok with making $2.00 a day for 5 minutes of your time each day. 99% of the people reading this guide are on the internet more than 1 hour a day, why not put 5 minutes of the time spent aimlessly browsing the web, or on your Face book page, on Neobux. That is all it takes, 5 minutes a day.

Section 4: How to get referrals.

This is not the path I have chosen, but for some, direct referrals require no initial investment, and that is, “Better”.
The way to get a lot of direct referrals, or hereafter called “refs.”, is to post your ref. link, which can be found by clicking the banner button on the left side of the Neobux page, in places where people will see it. For this, you will need to post your ref. link on popular Youtube videos, post it on Facebook pages, post on MySpace pages, make your own Neobux fan pages, and make a Youtube video tut with your ref. link in the description. You get $.005 (Half a penny) every time a referral clicks on an ad, so you want refs, and you want a lot of them. Direct referrals are shown to stay more active than rented referrals, which mean if you can get 200 direct referrals, then you will be getting more than $2.00 a day, at no cost to you, and about 5 minutes of work a day. (That’s $24.00 / hour) (Or if you are golden like me, $48.00 / hour) That is better pay than working at a day job.

Note: if you belong to a forum, then make sure to place your ref. link, or if your site allows, a ref. banner, in your signature. This will get you refs. without you doing any work. (I get about 5¬10 refs. a day with this)

Section 5: How to start making real $$

This is section 5, the final section, and the most important to the person that really wants to make some money with this site, not just a few dollars. This section is long, explains how I make so much money on this site, and also explains how you can too, you will need to take time to read everything in this section, but I can assure you, if you do read this whole section, and follow what I tell you to do, you too, can be making money in no time. This does take time, so if you want absolutely free money with virtually no work what¬so¬ever, then please go reread sections 1¬4 and follow what I have taught there. If you are willing to put in a little work to make a lot of money, then read on. This section is more of an elaboration of the other 4 sections, rather than new content. 1st, you need refs. This is the only; let me repeat ONLY way that you will ever make any kind of serious money using Neobux. Now then, you have probably used sites similar to this before, where you need to get a set amount of refs.

Golden Membership (Is it really worth it?) YES! I cannot stress enough how “worth it” having a Golden membership is. A one year golden membership is $90.00 (Not a very attractive price tag is it) But if you have more than 300 referrals, then there is close to a 0% chance that you will not get your money back (Once I got golden I made 10% of my money back in 14 days, meaning that the golden membership paid for itself in less than 5 months, and the other 7 months was free) Having a Golden membership makes you get paid twice as much for each referral’s clicks. $.01 for each click instead of $.005. There are also a few other perks of Golden that are explained on the site’s FAQ.

Renting Refs. (Is it really worth it??) Is it worth it, yes, it is, you will almost always get your money out of rented refs. (I get my money out of rented refs. after 20 days, the money they make for the next 10 is pure profit.)

Buying referrals from other sites (Is it really worth it???) Well, if you could buy referrals from other site and not be breaking the Terms and Conditions set by Neobux, then yes, it would be worth it, and I would do it too, but, as Neobux’s TAC clearly states, you can’t use other sites to try to buy referrals. So, NO! Getting your account banned is not worth getting more refs. Very counterproductive if you ask me, getting refs for a site that you will get banned from.

 Read This also .. Mistake On Neobux


Ten mistakes They made with


That delayed them making $40 a day
4 months.
You should avoid repeating them!


Yes, you heard them right that They made 10 mistakes that took long time for them to recover. If I have avoided doing that, I could have made at least $25,000 extra. Yes, it’s twenty-five thousand US Dollars. When it comes to PTC services, you know investment is nominal and even single dollar matters. Due to these mistakes They made, They lost almost 50% of the investment they made in Neobux. So if I have avoided making these mistakes I could have made double of what I make now.
You are here means that you agree that to err is human and that the first step to success. I don’t want to waste you time and getting directly to the mistakes. 

Mistakes They made 

#1. Clicked ads whenever available
Most of the members care not aware of what’s server time and what is reset time and they are not explained well anywhere else. On the advertisement page you can see both on top. Reset time on left and server time on right. Server time is the actual time at the location where server sits. I think its US EST. Every click is counted for the day within 24 hours from server time 00:00:00 to 23:59:59. I am putting it in details with example of my referral I have from India. 

This time is the user’s local time. As you know, once you click the ads, it will change to grey and if you click on it again, it will say “You have already clicked this ad within 24 hours” and you will not earn any money. The reset time is the local time at which those greyed ads will turn back to Pink/Orange/Green/Blue depending on the type. For this user, reset time is 09:10, i.e., his ads resets at 9:10 IST. 

He had this in his in his advertisements page at 4:35 pm IST (16:35). Server ‘s day
(00:00) starts at 10:30 am IST. If he clicks on the ad at 2012/12/15 before 10:30 am IST, his clicks will be counted for 2012/12/14 and if he clicks after 10:30 IST, it will be counted for 2012/12/15.
So always click on Orange ads for the days shown in the server time. Keep clicking at same time of the day to be safe and don’t be greedy to click on ads whenever they are available. I do it early in the morning when I wait for my Outlook Express to download all my mails. You will see a message “You didn’t click any ads today” on advertisements page if no clicks are counted for the day.

#2. After registering, They kept clicking ads all day to make money.

You may be wondering if its mistake. It’s a mistake because regardless They could have invested 20$ for renting hundred referrals. But They kept clicking ads for few weeks and realized that 0.001 USD a click is not going to make me rich. From the forums I knew, renting the referrals is the way to earn money. I waited till I made $2. It actually took more than a month and the n I realized that I can hire only few referrals with $2. By the time I had $2 it was already one month.

#3. Rented five referrals.

Originally I was convinced that I will not invest any money and use the money from neobux itself to rent referrals. So with $2, I could get only 5 referrals. All of a sudden I started seeing I am making money and the hope spurt again. Now I invested $20 and went to hire referrals. Unfortunately, I had to wait a week more to hire another set of referrals. Then I started hiring in batch of 100. If you can invest $50, you can hire 100 referrals first week, again 100 referrals second week and by third week you will have $20 in main balance to hire the 3rd 100 and so on. By this process you are saving at least two months in growth and hence go for it.

#4. Deposited $100 to rental balance thinking next week They can hire 500 referrals

In neobux, there are three balances.  
  1. Main balance: the money you earn is added here
  2. Rental balance: the money that can be used ONLY for renting referrals, recycling and extending the contract
  3. Golden Package Balance: The money you can use to buy Golden special packages. (Appear only for golden customers) You can transfer money from main balance to rental balance and golden package balance. And money in rental balance or Golden package Balance cannot be moved to main balance.

All of a sudden I realised that I can rent only maximum of 100 referrals at a time and only once a week. And hence I could use only $20 at a time rest of the money is locked in the rental balance. So deposit only those money absolutely necessary and may be $10 extra.

#5. Purchased Golden Membership on the third week.

Golden members can hire only on certain time of the day and will not get packages as big as 100 referrals . Then I learned that, since standard member can have only 300 referrals. So maximum referrals you can rent is 95. But neobux doesn’t have any rental package of 95 and hence they offered a package of 90.

From the Golden package, You could hire only a set of 55 and hence you lost 35 referrals you could have rented if you had only standard package. So never upgrade to golden unless you reach the limit of 300 rented referrals.

#6. Recycled the inactive referrals every two days.

Oops, it was another big mistake they did. The recycling cost $0.07 per referral and you will earn that 0.07 from 7 clicks by referral if you are golden member and 14 clicks if you are standard member. I did it when I was standard member. Maximum clicks I earned per referral per day were four and it needed 4 days (4x4 =16) to earn 0.07 from new referrals. There is no guarantee that new referrals will click on for ads every day. And hence recycling them every other day will make you loose money. I recommend recycle only if you think you lost $0.07 from that inactive referral (4 days). Better recycle only when your total daily average goes down. Even now I have referrals who have never clicked and need recycling.

#7. Lost good referrals.

I had some good referrals those clicked every day. But when I was concentrating on those never clicked, the good referrals went below on the last page as I always sorted “least click on top’. I barely noticed the expiration of the referrals and ignored the facility to lock the referrals. One fine morning I had was 100 referrals fewer in the list. There is an auto pay system that you can turn on just above the list of referrals. When its turned on, it will extend your referral by 1 day when the referral makes a click. This need balance in the rental balance and it give you 15% discount. Even if they say they give 30% discount when you extend referrals for 240 days, the probability that you will forget to extend them. I personally recommend (and do myself) turning on the auto pay

So, imagine you rented 500 referrals by spending $100 for a month's rent. Instead of paying $100 again at the next due date (yes, it hurts), you can pay for them daily. In the end, you'll save $15 and you'll never run out of referrals also, you don't have to worry about the due date
Please keep in mind that while you may have Auto Pay activated, it's only triggered for referrals that have 20 or more days left until the next payment. This value is smaller for some Golden Packs.

#8. Let it loose inactive referrals

As I was interested in those who clicked at least once a day, I set auto pay enabled. But auto pay wont extend inactive members and I let them loose. I figured out that its better to renew them first and recycle them if inactive till you reach the maximum limit of your membership package. I normally renew inactive referrals 10 days before the expiry date and set auto renewal for 90 days, 3 days for expiration so that even if I miss, it will be renewed for 90 days.

#9. Didn’t check Ad Prizes.

For most of the ads you click, you will earn 3 ad prizes. I used to ignore it as waste of time. One fine morning my wife so excited on clicking ads because she won a golden package. Yes, you may win it (better not to till you get 300 referrals). She already had 300 referrals and hence she saved $90. Yes, upgrading to golden package cost $90. So keep checking the ad prizes. Again, you will come across some cheap, short books like this and will help you making/saving thousands of dollars.

#10. They set the wrong rental time.

Setting rental time is a “Golden Only” feature. Standard members cab rent referrals at any time, but golden members can rent only at pre-set time. When I saw the chart showing how others set, I went with majority and it was wrong. When majority is renting, there is a high demand and you may not get enough referrals. So go for minority

Don’t worry, you can reset the time once every week…



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